THE RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS.—Mr. Eddy, chairman of the New South Wales Railway Commissioners arrived in Adelaide on Monday by the Orotava. In the course of an interview, he said ...
Article : 3,021 wordsPassengers going up the San Juan River to the interior of Nicaragua see many strange sights along the shores lined with alligators, and through water filled with sharks, but seldom witness a finer battle ...
Article : 564 wordsMlle. Mercedes, whose death recently was announced from Europe had a career full of adventure. She was a bareback rider, and for several years was the magnet which drew half of Berlin's ...
Article : 938 wordsThe horrors of war have been detailed in almost infinite variety, affording themes of inexhaustible abundance for the moralist, the poet, the historian, and the romancer. Abundant in such details of ...
Article : 661 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 272 wordsChas. S. Wilkinson, Government Geologist, died at hiS residence, Burwood, this morning. He was born in 1840; in 1876 he was elected F.G.S., and he was also fellow of the Linnean and Royal ...
Article : 418 wordsThe cable to the effect that Slavin offers to meet Corbett in London for £1000 is ridiculed by the Melbourne Club. They are willing to give £2000 for the contest, and would increase if necessary. ...
Article : 83 wordsSlavin, the Australian pugilist, has expressed his willingness to meet Corbett, the American, at the National Club, London, for a stake of £1000'a side. News is received of the termination of the war in ...
Article : 394 wordsDaniel' Smith Miller, on remand from the 21st inst., on a charge of having an illicit still at the Spurgeon Hotel, Newcastle, on the 21st inst., was before the bench this morning, and was fined £250, ...
Article : 133 wordsSplendid weather; feed abundant; Whyenbar shed cut out; Bodlomon. full-handed; Nondoo and Thurgnrrie start next week; plenty of men. Ten thousand sheep cross the river to-morrow, ...
Article : 82 wordsTo-day the questions were unimportant. The Workmen's Combination Laws Declaration Bill was read a third time and passed. Mr. Crick's bill to amalgamate the both branches ...
Article : 430 wordsMr. W. Glendinning yesterday sold by auction two adjoining allotments (with old wooden tenements thereon), having each 33 feet frontage to Sydney-street, and realised the satisfactory price ...
Article : 85 wordsInvestigation of the fire commenced to-day. Senior-Sergeant Travers is conducting the prosecution. Strong, evidence of kerosene being used freely. Hogan was placad under arrest. The ...
Article : 38 wordsThe South Coast and West Camden Co. report:— Lucerne hay still in quiet demand; prime lots selling at from 60a to 65s; mediam from 50s to 60s. Early Rose potatoes, quiet, at from 65s to 75s ...
Article : 252 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 176 wordsLatest betting on the forthcoming spring events is as follows:— CAULFIELD CUP.—100 to 8'v. Bungebah; 100 to 5 v. Paris and Sir William; 100'to 4 v. Gladstone, ...
Article : 111 wordsScratchings for the Opening Handicap: Welcome Jack-leaving 13 still in. For Muswellbrook Handicap, Bandicoot, Barraba, and Neotsfield are scratched, leaving 11 in. For Welter Handicap, ...
Article : 88 wordsThe glove fight between Burge and M'Kenzie for a belt and £8100 a-side, took place in Sydney last evening. Burge won after thirty-one rounds had been got through. ...
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