On Tuesday, Jane 4, St. Nicholas' Church, Goulburn, was the scene of a very pretty wedding, which , attracted at the early hour of 9.45 a.m. a number of spectators large enough to fill the ...
Article : 1,647 wordsThe revival of Audran's melodious opera, "La Cigale," in the presence of an immense audience on Saturday last, recalled with much intensity the untimely end of the bright little actress who made her ...
Article : 722 wordsOn Saturday last Mr. CK Bignold appeared in his old part of Joe Saunders in " My Partner," a play which has long been familiar to Sydney playgoers and in which Mr. Rignold has a character which ...
Article : 142 wordsThe music of the week comes too late for notice in this issue. One important item has been the reappearance of the Esty-Marsh Concert Company with the Philharmonic Society on Thursday, when ...
Article : 49 words"Sweet Innisfail" is still running at the Royal, and Miss Maggie Moore announces the approaching close of her season. ...
Article : 23 wordsOnly a brief notice in this issue of an event hitherto unique in the history of the colony, the first performance of a cantata, "The Captive Soul," of which the music is composed by Miss Emmeline M. ...
Article : 128 wordsThe Lycenm Theatre was crowded on Wednesday, 6th June, when a complimentary matinee was tendered to Madame Emily Soldene as a farewell benefit prior to her departure from Australia. A ...
Article : 184 wordsThe complaint is often made that when English singers sing the songs of foreign composers in the original language there is a want of expression, though the words may Be correctly given. This has ...
Article : 889 wordsOn Monday morning, at the invitation of Lady Darley, a number of ladies met at Government House to hear the Bev. Prior Vaughan explain the scheme of the Gregorian Mission for the amelioration ...
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The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), Sat 15 Jun 1895, Page 1209
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