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    These women, numbering several hundreds, many of whom had walked from Marrickville, Newtown. and other distant suburbs, appointed six of their number to wait upon the Acting Premier and urae him to reinstate, the men on strike on the terms existing on June 1. and to appoint a commission to inquire into then grievances. The deputation, it was stated, represented 15.000 of the wives of the strikers and women who had entered the industrial field to earn their own living. Mr. Fuller was courteous, but firm, repeating that the Government could not allow the unions to take the centre] of the railways cut of the hands of the Commissioners. "The men who remain on strike" he said, "will lose their seniority, as well as their other rights and privileges. Tell them to go back to work." At the Domain meeting many women volunteered for [?] various [?] tram and train depo[?] ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 161 words