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  1. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 342 words

    An R.A.F. bomber crashed and then caught fire, igniting the hangar at the Hawkinge aerodrome, the fire destroying seven 'planes. Tlie pilot and ...

    Article : 36 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 24 words
  4. LEG STUMP WEAKNESS. "Discovery Made Early on Trip," says Jardine.

    "To our surprise we found an almost totally unsuspected weakness on the leg stump in the play of several of the leading Australian batsmen, who were bound to be opposed to us in the ...

    Article : 1,494 words

    An aggregate meeting of miners engaged in the seven collieries from Mt. Pleasant to Coal Cliff, and held at Bulli to-day, adopted, the ...

    Article : 125 words

    To-day's instalment, consisting of chapter 3, tells of the early experiences of the English team in Australia. I fine in it a remarkable statement, ...

    Article : 251 words

    Does Queensland possess the ideal youth, which is being sought by a Tasmanian clergyman, and which, another clergyman has declared, is not ...

    Article : 134 words
  8. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,330 words
  9. OBITUARY. Mr. R. C. O'Keeffe.

    The death of Mr. Richard Cunningham O'Keeffe, aged 79 years, took place on August 1 at the residence of his son, Mr. E. J. O'Keeffe, Island Grove, ...

    Article : 118 words
  10. Mr. Leonard Henry Peters.

    The death occurred on Thursday last of a well-known Redcliffe identity, in the person of Mr. Leonard Henry Peters, retired Sergeant of Police. ...

    Article : 196 words
  11. Mr. Percy B. Chauvel.

    The death occurred at Maryborough on Sunday night, after a prolonged illness, of Mr. Percy B. Chauvel, a well-known identity of the Wide Bay ...

    Article : 265 words
  12. Mrs. M. Rynne.

    Mrs. Nelly Rynne, the wife of Mr. Michael Rynne, of Maryvale, died in Warwick on July 29. The late Mrs. Rynne was a daughter of Mr. and ...

    Article : 41 words
  13. Mrs. E. J. Banfield.

    The widow of the late Mr. Edmund James Banfield ("The Beachcomber"). the noted journalist, who spent the latter part of his life on Dunk Island, ...

    Article : 234 words
  14. Mrs. E. Slatter.

    Mrs. Emma Slatter, an old resident of the Allora district, died recently at the age of 79 years. She was born in Watlington, Oxford, England, and in ...

    Article : 100 words
  15. Mrs. J. Cox.

    A link with the early days of settlement on the Central Downs was broken by the death of Mrs. Jane Cox, at the age of 83 years. Bom in Reardon, ...

    Article : 104 words
  16. Mrs. H. P. Tryon.

    The friends of Mr. Henry Tryon (formerly Government Entomologist) and his family will learn with regret of the death of Mrs. Tryon, which ...

    Article : 101 words
  17. Mrs. R. M'Kinley.

    The death occurred at Warwick on July 30 of Mrs. Robert M'Klnley. The late Mrs. M'Kinley was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ...

    Article : 66 words
  18. Mrs. E. Fraser.

    The late Mrs. Christina Fraser, who died in a private hospital in Brisbane on Sunday morning, was the wife of Mr. Ewen Fraser, of Southpoit. The ...

    Article : 102 words