How to make farmers generally prosperous and contented is a difficult problem to solve. The agriculturist's spirits rise and fall with the advent of good and bad seasons. The ...
Article : 1,125 wordsThe present year will probably be long remembered as one of the most bounteous seasons experienced in Riverina. A visit to the western part of Riverina at this time" reveals ...
Article : 1,183 wordsSome old friends at the recent Queensland exhibition-knowing that Mr. P. R. Gordon took an interest in point Judging—urged him to contribute some articles on the subject to ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,464 wordsA simple way to lift very heavy, beams is to fasten a forked stick about 3ft higher than the post or where the beam is to be lifted to, to the end of the post. In the ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 175 wordsThere are a few points to bear in mind in connection with churning. Scalded cream passes into butter much more rapidly than raw cream; poor cream is longer churning ...
Article : 168 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), Wed 27 Oct 1909, Page 14
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