We have a fair amount of literature dealing with Iceland, and the country ife becoming popular with tourists, but none of Hie books or articles make special mention ...
Article : 662 wordsLady Plucket the wife of the Governor of New Zealand, has recently patented a new shade for perambulators. This lady is a daughter of the late Marquis of Dufferin, and ...
Article : 180 wordsThe will of a tradesman who "cut off" his wife with the proverbial shilling, has just teen proved in England. He stipulated that tills sum was to ...
Article : 268 wordsThe trend of the times is towards individuality. And this shows itself in many ways in religion, politics, business—even in our Lobbies and amusements. Dogs and cat's are ...
Article : 371 wordsSays a London writer:—It would seem as if all over the world (except in Prance, where women have always worked harder than any roan) there was a sort of wave of new-born ...
Article : 283 wordsA Paris correspondent writes:—Some people here, either shopkeepers or shoppers, want to start a school for shop-girls. The idea is to teach pupils the most efficient methods ...
Article : 463 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 623 wordsBesides the 18 peeresses in their own right now In possession of their titles and estates, there are several peers whose titles on death will devolve upon females. Lord Roberta's ...
Article : 134 words{No abstract available}
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The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), Wed 27 Oct 1909, Page 48
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