The New South Wales Trotting Club had a beautiful afternoon for its race meeting at Epping on Saturday last, and the track was in as good a state as It can be placed until ...
Article : 1,054 wordsR.P. (New Lambton).—The mare you mean is probably Molly Pitcher, not Molly Picture, as you state. Mollie pitcher was by Patchen Vernon (3508) son of Geroge M. Ptchen Junior (31) Dam Kitty Belmot ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 189 wordsThe Carbine horse Mural (a brother to Metford) was epresented by two winners at the W.A.T.C. meeting on Saturday in Floral and Murella, who won the Leake and Northcote Handicaps respectively. During the ...
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The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), Wed 27 Oct 1909, Page 54
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