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Advertising : 623 wordsFebruary 10—Lurline, ketch, Behn master, from Port Adelaide. Cargo—3 tons February 13—Meeinderry, steamer, Clarke master, from Port Adelaide. Cargo—20 tons. ...
Article : 51 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 70 wordsTHE WEATHER.—At home and abroad the weather seems the most important topic Just now. In Great Britain and throughout Europe people are dying from the ...
Article : 4,076 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 678 wordsCommencing on Monday we have had a week of genuine summer weather, rendering life almost unendurable during the day time; but with only one exception ...
Article : 438 wordsTo the inhabitants of Robe, and indeed to the district as a whole, the present week has been quite an eventful one in as much as it has witnessed the laying of the ...
Article : 931 wordsA public meeting was held at Kingston on Saturday, February 16, to consider the circular from the Crown Lands office in reference to a reduction of rents. ...
Article : 926 wordsSir,—In your issue of the 12th inst I notice a paragraph re the formation of the Australasian Federation League of South Australia, which states that "the ...
Article : 150 words{No abstract available}
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The Narracoorte Herald (SA : 1875 - 1954), Tue 19 Feb 1895, Page 2
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