The following are the chief points in the agreement just concluded between France and England respecting the future government of Egypt:— ...
Article : 414 wordsThe Duke of Manchester since his arrival in the colony has purchased a country section in the Northern Territory and has also bought some land in the town ...
Article : 786 wordsThe new building erected by the Young Men's Christian Association at the corner of Gawler place and Gresham-street is to be formally opened on Monday, July 21. ...
Article : 1,763 wordsThe parliamentary atmosphere assumes more and more the appearance of "dirty weather." Not that there will be any hope on the part of the Opposition to ...
Article : 1,288 wordsThe weather is seasonable, and agricultural prospects so far are favorable. It is early yet to talk of harvest prospects, but it is satisfactory that taking the colony as ...
Article : 928 words"Take care there, stand back! George, bring your pick to this corner, that's where it will hold. That will do. Come here, Dick, and bear a hand. Now then, pull ...
Article : 1,479 words{No abstract available}
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The Narracoorte Herald (SA : 1875 - 1954), Fri 27 Jun 1884, Page 3
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