OUR Gympie correspondent states that the weather there has apparently taken up again, and no rain of any consequence has fallen for the last two days, ...
Article : 291 wordsThe selection committee of the Queensland Football Association have made the final selection of the players who are to represent this colony against New South ...
Article : 618 wordsIn the Columbia Smithfield there is a i general improvement in the quality of stone raised in the northern stopes while the southern stopes continue to turn out ...
Article : 588 wordsTHE political situation is not yet decided. A meeting was held last evening at the Metropolitan Hotel, at which Mr. Mayor Duffy presided. The fact that the ...
Article : 489 wordsA MEETING, convened by circular, of the leading conservatives of the town and district for the purpose of selecting an opposition candidate, was held last night ...
Article : 458 wordsA TERRIBLE Socialistic riot occurred at Chicago on May 4th, in the quarter of the city known as the Haymarket, between the police and a crowd of ...
Article : 881 wordsWE are having a great deal of wet weather, which greatly retards work of all description. There is a large acreage of scrub now being fallen, with the idea ...
Article : 349 wordsTHE town of Stry, near Lemberg, in Galicia, has been entirely destroyed by fire. The fire broke out on April 17, owing, it is believed, to the fall of a lighted ...
Article : 1,176 words{No abstract available}
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Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1860 - 1947), Tue 15 Jun 1886, Page 3
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