THE Under-Secretary for Mines has received the following report from Mr. A. H. Zillman, mining registrar, setting for the warden of the Gympie goldfield, ...
Article : 590 wordsTHE annual meeting of the Imperial Federation League was held in the Egyptian Hall of the Mansion House on Thursday in the presence of a large number of ...
Article : 1,303 wordsTHE following mining information is called from the managers' reports:—The No. 1. North Phoenix have cleaned up their three Creeks' crashing of 1800 tons of stone for a ...
Article : 265 wordsLOCAL news just now is conspicuous by its absence, and the newspaper paragraphist is reduced to the necessity of supplying his customers with the smallest of small beer instead ...
Article : 1,106 wordsOUR Police Magistrate, Mr. Johnstone, will not be allowed to leave our district for yours without some token of the high esteem with which he is regarded here. An address with ...
Article : 599 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 2,277 words[The Editor does not necessarily identify himself with the opinions expressed by correspondents.] ...
Article : 20 wordsSIR,—The paragraph in your contemporary I referring to the meeting to be held this evening makes it appear that it is convened for the purpose of discussing my notions as to how ...
Article : 151 wordsSIR,—I beg to ask space for a few lineS on tree planting, as I have given the matter careful consideration. In a tropical country like Queensland we cannot have too many ...
Article : 122 wordsSIR,—Now the Chinese Question seems to be coming to the fore, the following extracts from a work upon the Chinamen in California, may help our working classes to come to a ...
Article : 546 wordsIf the Berlin Post, not to mention its heavy contemporary the Norddeutache Zeitung, imagined that they would alarm the irrepressible General Boulanger by ...
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Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. : 1860 - 1947), Fri 20 May 1887, Page 3
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