Business opened to-day quiet, and sales effected at former prices. The weather is fine. No News of interest. ...
Article : 25 wordsSIR,— Unwilling as we are to continue any public controversy on the above subject, we are bound to state, in reply to Mr. Brooke's letter in your issue of to-day, that our accounts were ...
Article : 898 wordsA meeting of the exploration committee of the Royal Society was held at one o'clock yesterday, in the Society's Institute, to take into consideration the despatch received through Mr. Hodgkinson ...
Article : 3,941 wordsThe following is the despatch forwarded by the Exploration Committee to Mr Wright, at Menindie, per Mr Hodgkinson, who left town yesterday afternoon on his return:— ...
Article : 550 wordsOn Saturday, any enthusiastic individual might perchance have supposed that volunteer in Victoria were not to have what is now commonly known in England as "Volunteers ...
Article : 3,668 wordsTHE quartely subscription to the AGE will be from date, fifteen shillings, instead of one pound, as heretofore. Subscribers will thus derive an advantage from their payments in advance. ...
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The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), Tue 1 Jan 1861, Page 5
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