The House met, pursuant to adjournment, and at five minutes past three the Speaker took the chair. RETURNS. The COLONIAL SECRETARY laid upon the ...
Article : 1,937 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 116 wordsGIPPS' WARD.—At noon, yesterday, the friends of Mr. McGrath and Mr. Passmore, assembled in the Salle do Valentino. Bourke Street, for the purpose of hearing their sentiments as candidates for the vacant ...
Article : 1,664 wordsThe burgesses of the various muincipal wards have, during the past few days been holding meetings for the purpose of testing the opinions of candidates for municipal honors, and for promoting the return to ...
Article : 860 wordsOn the 28th instant, G. Balderstone and C. Stuart, gold diggers, G. Macintosh, baker, and I. Van Der Byl, partner in an extensive baking establishment on Bakery Hill, were brought before ...
Article : 1,995 wordsLARGE AND DESTRUCTIVE FIRE.—Last evening, at 8 o'clock, a fire broke out in those large now stone built stores and premises, in the several occupations of Mandelick Brothers, and Mr. W. Beyfus, general ...
Article : 1,891 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 117 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 169 wordsWith no desire to contribute to any undue alarm, the fact stands in naked terrors, that this amount of mortality is almost without parallel in any civilized community. Nor can we hesitate ...
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The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), Thu 2 Nov 1854, Page 5
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