THE DIGGINGS.—Generally speaking, there is very little doing amongst the miners. The time was when men could get, without fail, their ounce and a half of gold per day as easily as ...
Article : 2,125 wordsSir,—The late tragedy of blood at Ballarat has created a terrible sensation throughout the Australian colonies. I am not going beyond the truth in saying that in general there is but ...
Article : 1,186 wordsThe petition to His Excellency Sir Charles Hotham in favour of an amnesty, is receiving numerous signatures here. The Governor's conduct in this matter will be looked to by most of ...
Article : 409 wordsVINDICTIVE LITIGATION.—It must bs a source of no little regret to all parties who are in the habit of attending our local Police Court, not even excepting the professional gentlemen who profit in a ...
Article : 3,098 wordsMR. EDITOR,—I shall fool obliged if you can make room in your paper for the accompanying letter, addressed to Dr. Youl. I believe the question at issue is of soms importance to the public heath, and there ...
Article : 87 wordsSIR,—I was much struck by the perusal to-day in the "Age" newspaper, of your reply to a letter addressed to you officially on the subject of a late sudden death in North Melbourne. If your, ...
Article : 731 wordsPresent, His Worship the Mayor in the chair. Aldermen Clowes, Hodgson, Hayward, Cosgrave and Reilly. Councillors Grave, Vaughan, Lane, Bell, Walsh, J. M. Smith, M'Grath, Bennett, Fulton, ...
Article : 2,173 wordsSIR,—Passing your office yesterday in company' with a friend, my attention was attracted to an article in your paper headed "The ideas of a New Chum on Melbourne," in which it is made to appear that a ...
Article : 579 wordsThe usual monthly meeting of this Society, was held last evening, at the Museum of Natural History. The Honorable the Surveyor General, the ...
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The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), Wed 10 Jan 1855, Page 5
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