HOBSON'S BAY, HIGH WATER.--This Day: 6.24 a.m., 4.44 p.m. Sunday: 5.3 a.m., 5.22 p.m. ARRIVED.--March 15. Payche, H.M.S. from Tasmania, on cruise. ...
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Advertising : 64 wordsWe have almost the game Parliament over again. It can scarcely be said that yesterday's elections resulted in any surprises. Indeed, the now House will be almost ...
Article : 2,607 wordsMr. Bent chose for the general election polls the most unsuitable day in the week for the morning press, and as a consequence it is impossible to publish this ...
Article : 3,679 wordsNow that the Licensing Act and the Gaming Act have been got out of the way, the suggestion has been made that social reformers should tackle the present svstem ...
Article : 400 wordsAt the City Court on Friday Jno. Kisler, licensee of the Foundry Hotel, Yuille- street, was charged with Sunday trading. The proceedings were taken under section ...
Article : 143 wordsAppended is a copy of a circular which is about to be issued in connection with the above exhibition:-- "Dear Sir or Madam,--By direction of my ...
Article : 448 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 342 wordsThe [?] Exhibition of Australian Manu[?] and Products was opened on Friday afternoon by the Chief Secretary (Sir Alexander Peacock), in the presence of ...
Article : 1,131 wordsThe recent ratepayers' agitation for the extension of facilities for the use of the Caulfield racecourse as a public park has led to the preparation of a new code of ...
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The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), Sat 16 Mar 1907, Page 12
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