Present—Commissioners Messrs. A. Hallett, J.P. (Chairman), J. H. Angas, M.P., W. D[?]ffeld, J.P., F. Hannaford, J.P.; Secretary, Mr. H. J. Andrews; Superintending Surveyors, ...
Article : 1,547 wordsMr. Smith, M.P., introduced a deputation on Wednesday to the Commissioner of Public Works to speak in favour of the deviation proposed at Anstey's Hill, and to contradict ...
Article : 1,372 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 288 wordsOn Tuesday evening, Dec. 31, it was rumoured at Goolwa that Mr. Clement Pollitt, the new overseer of Mr. Dodd's station, on the Coorong, had disappeared, and was supposed to have been ...
Article : 2,308 wordsOn Thursday morning, January 2, a second alarm was caused by the report that the cook of the steamer Telegraph was missing. He was last seen about 11 o'clock the previous ...
Article : 1,195 wordsMr. Thomas Higgins, of near Marrabel, having been missing since Christmas Eve under circumstances that justified the gravest apprehensions being entertained as to his fate, the ...
Article : 1,927 wordsOn Wednesday afternoon, January 8, an inquest was held by Dr. Clindening and a Jury of 18 to enquire into the cause of death of Frederick Charles Holden, a lunatic, who died ...
Article : 976 wordsOn Thursday, January 2, about 7 p.m., the information was received at the Police Station, Morphett Vale, that a son, 11 years old, of Mr. Richard Henley, a stonemason, ...
Article : 1,596 wordsOn Tuesday night, the 7th January, Mr. R. B. Colley, J.P., held an inquest at the Pier Hotel, Glenelg, on the body of an infant found dead the previous morning in the yard of the ...
Article : 449 words{No abstract available}
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 11 Jan 1873, Page 12
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