The immense tract of country reaching from the Aramac to the Adelaide Border, watered by the Weston, Thomson, Aramac, Eastern and Western Darr, Diamantina, and other rivers, ...
Article : 1,072 wordsThe chief employment of South Australians abroad, so Victorians say, is to boast of the prosperity of their own colony and its institututions. But when it is seen that the progress ...
Article : 1,645 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 369 wordsVisitors to the Exhibition of 1867 (says the Times) may remember on the Champ de Mars a captive balloon of large size. This was the first captive balloon that had been manoeuvred by ...
Article : 737 wordsThe building now known as the Port brewery is one of the oldest houses in the municipality. It was built in the year 1850 or 1851 by Mr. George Coppin for ...
Article : 715 wordsPort Pins is essentially a mushroom town, having sprung into existence and developed into a really first-class port in the short space of four years and a half. There have from time to time ...
Article : 3,473 wordsThe Emperor returned on Saturday, the 21st October, to Berlin, after having inspected the Wortemberg armee-corpe near Stuttgart, and a division of cavalry near Weissenberg, in Alsace, ...
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 23 Dec 1876, Page 20
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