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Advertising : 8,357 wordsPresent—The Master, Captain Tapley, Captain Malcolm, and Mr. Newland. Read, a letter from the Hon. the Treasurer, informing the Board that the Hon. the Commissioner of Crown ...
Article : 451 wordsLast night the beautiful and mysterious phenomenon the Aurora Australia, wag more vividly and splendidly displayed thun Las ever been my fortune to witness before. Early in the evening, the sky from east by south ...
Article : 1,015 wordsOn Friday evening, the 2nd instant, our usual fortnightly meeting of the Debating Class was held at the Institute. The subject discussed was, "Are railways be[?] to South Australia?" Of course there could ...
Article : 335 wordsYesterday it was reported in our to[?]ship that some very good and large pieces of copper ore had been raised at the Crinnis Mine. I therefore went there to-day to inspect them. I found that two or three large lamps of ...
Article : 598 wordsA meeting of the rate payers of the above district was held at Mr. Baker's Halfway House, on Wednesday, September 7. Mr. HEMMINGWAY (District Councillor) was called to ...
Article : 346 wordsThe following gentlemen attended, by invitation of His Excellence Sir Richard Graves MacDonnel, at the Governor's Office, at 11 a.m., to consider the best mode of establishing and conducting public competitive ...
Article : 1,981 wordsThe usual quarterly soire[?] in connection with the South Australian Institute took place at White's Assembly Room, on Tuesday evening, September 6. The room was thrown open at 7 o'clock, and long ...
Article : 1,120 wordsA meeting of the above Association was held at the Exchange on Tuesday evening last. Present—Messrs. Hanson (Chairman), Dora well, Wright, Auld IV, Hanson, Betvor, Garlick, Goyder, E. A. Hamilton. ...
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 10 Sep 1859, Page 2
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