The annual meeting of the Adelaide City Mission was held in the Pirie-street Lecture Hall on Monday evening, August 8. There was a good attendance. ...
Article : 3,461 wordsOn Monday evening, August 8, Mr. James Cumming read his paper on "The superiority of leasing in perpetuity instead of selling the Grown lands, the properly of the peonle," in ...
Article : 2,981 wordsWe have the melancholy duty of announcing the death, early on Saturday morning, August 6, of Mr. John Tuthill Bagot. The sudden and unlooked for nature of the event ...
Article : 825 wordsDr. Clark, the Coroner, held an inquest to investigate the causes leading to the death of Mr. John Tuthill Bagot, on Saturday afternoon, August 6, in the British Tavern, North ...
Article : 1,229 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 282 wordsThis building, named after the founder of the Order of Jesuits, and situated at the corner of Queen and William streete, Norwood, was opened and dedicated to divine service on Sunday ...
Article : 2,134 wordsThe quarterly meeting of Presbytery was held in Flinders-street Vestry, Adelaide, on Tuesday, 2nd inst. The meeting was constituted with devotional services, conducted by Rev. James ...
Article : 836 words{No abstract available}
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 13 Aug 1870, Page 10
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