IN our issue of the 27th ultimo, we gave a summary of the most important news from Western Australia. So large an arrear of intelligence had then accumulated, that we ...
Article : 1,063 wordsTHIS barque, with 134 passengers, from Germany, also arrived yesterday, after an extraordinary fine passage, having left the port of departure on the 29th April. ...
Article : 31 wordsBY the Apollo we have Hobart Town papers to the 17th instant inclusive. In spite of some untoward events, it is quite clear that lasmanian interests are advancing ...
Article : 195 wordsAT length we have something like authentic intelligence of the missing barque. Captain Duncan, of the Lapwing, was informed by a sealer at Emu Bay that he had seen, about a ...
Article : 144 wordsTHE arrival of the Harlequin, on the 27th instant, put us in possession of Straits papers to the 17 th May. The Hon. Sir W. Jeffcott, Recorder, and the ...
Article : 731 wordsThose who are interested in the next meeting of the Bench of Magistrates will understand that, although it is announced to take place on Monday, the 9th September, it will msreiy be a meeting for the purpose of ...
Article : 921 wordsMr Hanson moved for a prohibition or a summons to show cause why a prohibition sbould not be issued to restrain the plaintiff from proceeding in the Local Court, and the Magistrates in that Court from entertaining the action. ...
Article : 281 wordsMr Hanson moved that the responsive allegation of Thomas Burry and G. S. Walters, detendants in a civil and maritime suit, be admitted to proof. Mr James, for the plaintiffs, A. L. Elder & Co., opposed ...
Article : 867 wordsJames Robinson appeared on the information of James Jeelett for rescuing a quantity of cattle which he was taking to the pound. Mr Parker appeared for the defendant. ...
Article : 1,975 wordsTHESE arrivals took place yeslerday. The first-named ship with 200 passengers, but no Post-Office mail, left Loadon on the 10th and Plymouth on the 21st April; the second, with ...
Article : 827 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 3 Aug 1850, Page 2
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