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Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,279 wordsTHE MONEY ORDER SYSTEM.—The change in the money order system at the Burra has passed off very quietly, and no inconvenience manifested itself beyond. a slight difficutly in procuring sufficient gold and silver ...
Article : 663 wordsSir—I observe that a trifling error has crept into the published report of Mr. Hagen's meeting at Encounter Bay, respecting ray opinions upon the subject of public works in connection with private companies. The opinions of ...
Article : 325 wordsSir—An appeal to the benevolent in behalf of the respected widow of the late Captain Bull appears in this morning's issue of your paper, and as no address is appended to that latter, I may be pardoned for troubling you with ...
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 10 May 1851, Page 2
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