It is a good remark, that Now Zealand has been peopled rather before its time. Many things present themselves to the abservant visitor which seem to sustain ...
Article : 2,674 wordsAlthough the Mimmie Dyke left the Cape on the 17th ult., her files of papers did not extend to that date. The Port Louis Commercial Gazette, ...
Article : 115 wordsBy the Jemmy we have English papers to the 6th, and French to the 10th, May. The former contain not a single item that is worth quoting, but a copy of Le Mauricien of the ...
Article : 529 wordsThe Em[?]u has brought a double parcel of magazines, the March numbers, which were detained last month in transitu, coming to hand [?]multaneonsly with those for April. A rich ...
Article : 3,644 wordsSir,—Allow me to bring before your notice an evil which is daily increasing, and which, if something is not done to remove it, will result too often in broken limbs. A lady had ...
Article : 762 wordsSir,—I am confident that the non-existence in this city of a pabilc reading or news room must be a want obvious to any one that would give it the consideration it is entitled ...
Article : 236 wordsThere was found, yesterday evening, a larger lump of gold than ever before rewarded the industry of Victorian diggers, or, so far as we know, was seen or heard tell of in any part of ...
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Fri 11 Jun 1858, Page 5
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