The final round in connection with the Adlaide Club for the junior foursome trophies of the vice-captain (Mr, ti. Milne) was played at Seaton on Saturday. The match resulted:—R. Pelly and ...
Article : 1,494 wordsADELAIDE CLUB.—The associates held their closing day of the season on Monday at Seaton. The weather was rather too warm for golf, but good entries were received, and keen interest ...
Article : 239 wordsThe South Australian Lawn Tennis Association' started its pennant matches on Saturday at the Adelaide Oval. players were decidedly short of practice, which militated against first-class ...
Article : 197 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 77 wordsThere is a prospect after all that the lawn tennis players who are to represent America in the Davis Cup competition will take part in the Australian championship, ...
Article : 104 wordsGLADSTONE, October 7.— Match played on the local courts between Georgetown and Gladstone on October 3. The ladies provided afternoon tea. Scores:—Hall and Eyre lost to Pearson and ...
Article : 633 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 11 wordsAbout. 1,500 persons assembled at the Adelaide Oval on Saturday afternoon to witness the match between Essendon and Port Adelaide. As had been expected, ...
Article : 767 wordsThe "Wallabies" defeated Peneraig on Saturday by scoring a goal, a penalty goal, and a try, to one try. The ground was heavy, but the ...
Article : 122 wordsA reply has been received from Mr. R. F. Sullivan (secretary of the le[?]ue) in reference to the dispute between the Edithburgh and Yorketown, teams, the minor and major premiers respectively, ...
Article : 594 wordsThe opening run of the season by the Automobile Club of South Australia on Saturday last was marked by the finest array of motors ever witnessed in ...
Article : 640 wordsThe fifth annual meeting of the Automobile Club will he had on Monday evening next, when the report and balance sheet will he presented. The following new members have been elected by ...
Article : 798 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 86 wordsNews has been received of the arrival at Alice Springs of H[?] F. Owston, who is cycling from Port Darwin to Adelaide. The Norwood Cycle and Motor Club will hold ...
Article : 165 wordsIt can readily be understood how lacrosse developed the pugilistic powers of Tommy Burns, the champion, after reading the following account of a recent lacrosse ...
Article : 583 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931), Sat 17 Oct 1908, Page 20
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