Sir,—In your issue of 15th December, a certain Edward Roberts figured in your Police Report for drunkenness and refusing to pay cab hire, and was fined 20s. by the magistrate. ...
Article : 247 wordsSIR,—Many of the ratepayers of East Collingwood rest in apparent content and security at the very moment when they are in the greatest peril and danger, when their ...
Article : 687 wordsSir,—In answer to your correspondent "Scripsit" I beg to say that more than one attempt has been made to get up a society of the kind, but they have failed, as the ...
Article : 79 wordsSir,—The thanks of every lady and gentleman in the community are due to your correspondent, Mr. G. L. Robinson, for the able manner in which he has exposed the flagrant ...
Article : 159 wordsSir,—Having read in the Argus of this day the humane letter of "Publico," allow me to State that I witnessed one of those barbarous sights (the roping a horse in one of the ...
Article : 115 wordsSir,—Having observed that the Surveyor-General, in a bill proposed to be introduced by him, is anxious to levy 1s. per head upon sheep, and a proportionate tax, I suppose, ...
Article : 600 wordsThe American papers announce the recent publication at Boston of a new work on England by Mr. Emerson. It is entitled "English Traits," and is described by a writer in the ...
Article : 1,400 wordsSir,—Every citizen in a free country may, thank God, open his lips and give expression to his opinions without fear of incarceration, and I consider it the duty of ...
Article : 552 wordsSir,—Observing with satisfaction that certain changes are to be effected in the licensing Bystem with regard to spirit licenses, I would suggest that it is due to the public that a ...
Article : 469 wordsThe Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P., who was present at the annual meeting of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, held at the Liverpool Collegiate ...
Article : 1,439 wordsThe subjoined is given by the London correspondent of the New York Herald as a copy of the treaty for the arrangement of the Central American questions:— ...
Article : 632 words{No abstract available}
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Tue 23 Dec 1856, Page 6
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