YANKEE GRAB.—Lecturing againSt the Bible. PRIZE OF WAR.—Carrying off an emu eggshell. ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,792 wordsTo the many who are interested in this matter it will be a welcome piece of Intelligence that steps are sow being taken by the Lauds Department to expedite the issue of ...
Article : 40 wordsIT is understood that during the temp[?]ry absence of the Master of Titles, Mr. H Murray-Prior, his office will be filled by Hr. Gore Jones, barrister at law, who previously ...
Article : 37 wordsAN offer wan recently made to the Government by Mr. J. J. Clark late Colonial Architect, to sup rintend the er[?]tcion of the new public offices. It is understood the offer has ...
Article : 40 wordsTHE 30th annual meeting of the Queensland Auxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible Society mat held in the Protestant Hall lost evening. Dr. "Webber, Bishop of Brisbane, ...
Article : 1,336 wordsIT is contemplated shortly to throw open the following valuable allotments of land as grazing as agricultural farms, the first there named being thrown open under the provisions of the ...
Article : 171 wordsA GREAT and good work may be effected by the Ladies' Temperance Society or some kindred society by saving our young women from temperance. We do not moan girls ...
Article : 430 wordsTHE usual fortnightly meeting of the Municipal. council was held yesterday afternoon. Among the outward correspondence there was read a copy of a letter to the Colonial ...
Article : 887 wordsCYCLING, for some time, has been at a standstill owing to continuous rains. Saturday afternoon spins, meets, and training have been quito out of the question. For the ...
Article : 475 wordsLARCENY.—Frederick Barr was charged with having stolen a silver watch from a man named M'Kenzie. The complainant, on the 10th instant, made a complaint at the detective office ...
Article : 408 wordsTHE Under Secretary for Mines has received the following report from Mr. J. C. Pilbrow, the newly-appointed mining registrar for the Croydon Goldfield, being the first that officer ...
Article : 576 wordsIN this country and in England much has been said and written daring tho past fair years in advocacy of a "broader field" for the exertions of women, The demand that they ...
Article : 1,498 wordsTHE Commissioner for Police is in receipt of a telegram from Senior-Sergeant Lamond, of Normanton, stating that after 4 days' searching and tracking over waterless plains, he ...
Article : 86 wordsTHE Treasury Department ia in receipt of telegrams and letters from Bangall Crook and Blackall, giving particulars of the boring operations in those localities. The bore at ...
Article : 137 wordsTO THE EDITOR.—SIR,—In justice to myself, kindly allow me space for a fow remarks anent the Burl[?]efque Company at the Academy. The criticism I gave, which wag an exceedingly ...
Article : 283 words{No abstract available}
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The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), Tue 29 Jun 1886, Page 5
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