The SPEAKER took his seat at twenty minutes after four o'clock. ADDRESS TO HIS EXCELLENCY. Mr. HAINES moved, without notice, "that ...
Article : 2,244 words1. Mr. Heales: To ask the Hon. the Treasurer— The reason why the inhabitants of the village of Pentridge aud its neighborhood have been deprived of the public pound and its advantages; whether it ...
Article : 1,085 wordsThe Council met at twenty minutes past three o'clock, although a quorum was not present for some minutes afterwards. The minutes of the last meeting were read ...
Article : 2,112 wordsHowever favorably one may speak of the country districts of these colonies, one is always obliged to refer tp the discomforts of the large towns. Adelaide has many advantages ...
Article : 2,349 wordsThe Annual General Meeting of the Institute was held on last evening, in the Hall of the Mechanics' Institution. The President, the Hon. Captain Clarke, R.E., in the chair. ...
Article : 2,515 wordsThe return match between the above clubs was [?]yed on the Emerald Bill ground on Saturday last, and terminated in favor of the Emeralders, in one innings, and fifty-two runs to spare. It is, however, but ...
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Tue 8 Dec 1857, Page 5
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