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Advertising : 340 wordsA SIAN shadows over Australia have subdued much of the expected brawling in the election window-dressing sitting of the dying 20th Federal ...
Article : 851 wordsFor seven months Australian and other allied troops defended a dusty, war-battered village against the might of the crach ...
Article : 401 wordsMY colleague Vigilant is jubilant. He directed attention recently to the lack of ...
Article : 379 wordsOPEN warfare has developed between the Government and the Legislative Council following the rejection of the Hydro-Electric Commission Bill and the Council's stand on the Landlord and Tenant Bill. The result may be a bill later in the year to provide for a referendum on adult franchise for the Council. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Sat 10 Apr 1954, Page 18
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