When Mrs. Curnow had the misfortune to lose Sunny Brae Ragtime, she lost no time in securing from Victoria Selsey Sailor Boy, sire of that great prizetaker. ...
Article : 1,477 wordsThis magnificent specimen of the Chow Chow is the property of Miss Joan Grath, and gained much attention at the Crystal Palace Show, held in London in October. White Fang, which came from east of Suez for this world's record show is mentioned as a "society beauty," in the canine world, and was the chief prize ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 68 wordsCanine fanciers were fortunate in the weather for the holding of the dog show at the Exhibition Grounds this afternoon, for the conditions could hardly ...
Article : 644 wordsBefore actually making your purchases, the first thing to study is how to feed them correctly, as many deaths cure due to the neglect of this most important ...
Article : 1,103 wordsAmateur beekeepers with an apiary of two or three colonies sometimes wish to increase the number. When thinking of increase, it must be remembered that it is ...
Article : 1,121 wordsAt the South Australian Hotel on Dec. 15 the Adelaide Chamber of Commerce tendered a luncheon to the Canadian Minister of Trade and Commerce (Mr. J. ...
Article : 1,120 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931), Sat 23 Dec 1922, Page 13
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