The dedication and unveiling of the memorial tablets in the soldiers' burial ground, Light Oval, West Terrace Cemetery, by the Governor (Sir Tom Bridges), on Sunday afternoon, December 10, attracted a large crowd to that restful lawn-covered spot, well surrounded by a garden of white marble monuments. Our photograph shows the ceremony in progress. Photo. Smith. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 59 wordsThe interstate cricket match between New South Wales and South Australia resulted in a crushing defeat for South Australia. The New South Welshmen were too good, both in batting and bowling, for the local team. Our photographs show: — New South Wales (left to right).—Standing—W. Oldfield, W. Bardsley, A. Gray, H L. Hendry S. Everett, J. R. Campling, and A. Kippax. Sitting—A. A. Mailey, J. M. Taylor, H. L. Collins ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 139 wordsThe visit of His Excellency the Governor and Lady Bridges at Birkalla, last Saturday, was a compliment much appreciated by the Adelaide Polo Club. Interesting chukkas were played. Our photograph shows D. C. Cudmore "on the hop." Note the ball in the air. Photo. Marchant. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 49 wordsThe first of the eliminating tests in connection with the Australian 14-footer sailing championship to take place at Perth in January, was decided on the Port Adelaide River lafet Saturday afternoon. Eleven boats appeared. The St. George II., which was built in Sydney, won from Radiant, Tringa, and Stelma. Our photograph shows the test in progress. Photo. Martin. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931), Sat 23 Dec 1922, Page 30
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