Dear Adelaide—You will jurge by the mannish hat, linen collar and stock, by the severely tailored coat, and most of all by the monocole, that the woman in the ...
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Advertising : 560 wordsFans and bags are most important details of the evening wear. Here is shown an exquisite fan in sapphire-blue vulture feathers, wiih torto[?]seshell handle. The bag is in pale-blue satin. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 33 wordsThe Battalion Club's Red Cross Circle gave their fifth Christmas treat to the patients, their relatives, and friends at Bedford Park Sanatorium on Saturday, ...
Article : 461 words"Jumperitis" still rages, and the styles in jumpers are innumerable. A Londoner writes:—"There are all kinds of jumpers that are different to-day. There are ...
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Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931), Sat 23 Dec 1922, Page 44
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