It is with regret that we have to record the death of Antonia Schomburgk, the second daughter of the Curator of the Botanic Garden, from typhoid, at the age ...
Article : 1,503 wordsAt Grenoble, in France, some rams, frightened by a dog, plunged over a precipice, and 2,000 sheep followed the lead of the rams, and leapt to destruction. Not ...
Article : 97 wordsThe King of Spain is the most elaborately and expensively attired monarch in Europe. It is doubtful if the youthful monarch has ever been seen more than ...
Article : 103 words"Mary, my child; who is this beer for?" "Please sir, it's for father." "But it was only yesterday he took the pledge and promised to drink no more beer!" ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,119 wordsThe papers of the late Mr. Walter H. Page contain several letters from Lord Northcliffe, written while he was British Commissioner to the United States in the ...
Article : 379 wordsE. B. GRANDFIELD writes asking if any one would kindly supply a nice fir or pine tree for use as a Christmas tree at Estcourt House (Home for Crippled Children) on December 16. ...
Article : 1,010 wordsThe discovery of a marvellous cure for blindness and cancer, is reported from Kar[?]lsruhe, where Dr. Muhlebein states that he has found a serum which, when ...
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Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931), Sat 23 Dec 1922, Page 52
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