SIR,—Reading an article in your issue of the 16th instant, signed "One of the Thin Red Line," I beg to make a few remarks on the same. I entirely agree with your correspondent as ...
Article : 841 wordsFIRST cam' the Hiolan' men pipin' on pibrochs, Piping the tunes o'their loved native land; One old lady swooned when she saw their legs trouserless— ...
Article : 752 wordsSIR,—Perhaps, as you have been rather hasty in introducing my name into your leading article of the 20th instant, your sense of fair play will allow me the privilege of correcting ...
Article : 341 wordsDURING the early part of this month we were visited by thunderstorms with heavy rain, which made the Herbert a banker as also the Seymour River and surrounding creeks, but ...
Article : 653 wordsBy the City of Brisbane, which arrived this morning, we have Sydney papers to Saturday last, Melbourne papers to the 19th, and New Zealand to the 9th, from which we extract the ...
Article : 1,360 wordsYOU may count upon your fingers all the fortunes that have been made by literature since the days of Scott, and with the exception of Scott and Dickens, no professional man of ...
Article : 679 wordsTHE OFFICE OF CHIEF JUSTICE OF FIJI.—The Argus of Thursday says:—"Referring to the Chief Justiceship of Fiji and Mr. Gaunt, the Ballarat Star say:—'We understand that ...
Article : 490 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,960 wordsTHE usual fortnightly meeting of the Council took place yesterday afternoon, the following members being present:—The Mayor and Aldermen Baines, Bale, Beattie, Billott, Graham, ...
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The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), Tue 26 Jan 1875, Page 3
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