CHAPTERS I. to V.—The narrator of the story is Geoffry Feuton, from whose papers it is collected. He tells how he suits as second mute in the Saracen, under Captain Skevington. They ...
Article : 1,923 wordsThe Rev. W. V. Young, pastor of the Baptist chruch in Ipswich, returned last week from a visit of a few months' duration to England, looking well as the result of the trip. He ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 206 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 170 wordsAccording to a report submitted to the IPSWich Municipa1 Council on Monday last, the traffic accross the Bromer Bridge, from Monday to Saturday (inclusive) last week, ...
Article : 229 wordsA very interesting gathering took place in the Thompson Estate Wesleyan church last evening, when the members of the society classes in connection therewith met to tender a ...
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The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), Wed 16 Oct 1889, Page 3
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