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    Boys who still read the Red Indian stories of American writers such as Edward S. Ellis, or older, people who read them when young, will remember that American Indians measured long periods of time in moons. A shorter period was measured in sleeps. But the Red Indian, like ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 2,551 words
  3. The Chiel's Film Review

    It may perhaps be regarded as intellectual snobbery, but there are times when I feel can express myself better in the American language than, in English. However, since there are two Australians in important roles in a British film now showing at the Grosvenor, it ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,886 words
  4. The Week in Wireless

    Perhaps the heat was to blame, but this week we seem to have been in, the radio doldrums. Music, which ought to constitute 50 per cent, of our listening, has been sparse and for the most part uninteresting and scrappy. Drama has fared, better and two of the plays created more than ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,027 words
  5. Advertising

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    Advertising : 565 words