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  1. Writers and Readers

    Literary history contains plenty of cases of forgery but to Thomas J. Wise, Hon. M.A. (Oxon), and Hon. Fellow of Worcester College, Oxford, belongs the dubious honor of being the most ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,749 words

    English soil is haunted. Go where you will, the most glorious ghosts glide out from the rural silences and startle you. On a beautiful morning in the early summer, I was exploring the bewitching loveliness of the Devonshire lanes. Lost to all the world in a paradise of fragrant hedgerow and ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,322 words
  3. Romantic Timbuktu

    You come up through clusters of thorn trees dotting the bright sand; in the distance it might be a bit of England in hay-time. Suddenly you are in the town; you know then there can be nothing like it on earth. This is the second and conclud- ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,219 words
  4. Books of the Day

    The Victorian Age, so often charged with complacency, threw up numerous relentless critics of the standards of their time. One of the most gifted and versatile of these was William ...

    Article : 1,000 words
  5. Nationalism in China

    Great events taking shape in China in the progress of the civil war between the so-called Communist armies of the north and the Kuomintang central Government are made clearer ...

    Article : 700 words