[?] markets continue very quiet. Beeby Dunstan's flour was sold at £16 10s., at months'. led—the Gazelle, for Melbourne, with ...
Article : 479 wordsTwenty years ago Marseilles appeared to me a very nasty place. With so little tide in the Mediterranean that the water in the harbor is never renewed, the accumulations ...
Article : 4,020 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 915 wordsSir,—In reference to the letter signed "An Old Peruvian," on the above subject, I may just say the Peraviau Government do prohibit the export of the alpaca; further, that my ...
Article : 286 wordsSatire will never want for a subject, nor misanthropy for an excuse, fanaticism for dupes, or knavery for victims, so long as folly and credulity aro ...
Article : 3,087 wordsWe have received by the Meteor Cape papers to the 4th September. The Parliamentary elections were almost engrossing public attention. A scheme for the ...
Article : 2,086 wordsSir,—Can you inform the public what steps are being taken by the Committee appointed for the consideration and reconstruction of equitable patent laws, and ...
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Mon 18 Oct 1858, Page 5
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