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  2. Advertising

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  3. Where Gunmen Made Attack

    BLAIR HOUSE, the temporary home of President Truman in Washington, where two gunmen made an attempt to kill him yesterday. Lower.--One of the gunmen, Grisolio Torresola, lies mortally wounded beside a hedge after being shot by President Truman's guards. (Beam Wireless) ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 63 words

    TOKIO, Nov.2 (A.A.P.-Reuters)--Lieut.--Colonel Charles [?] R.S.O., commander of the Australian battalion in Korea, died today as a result of a wound from a shell burst north of Chongju on ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 499 words
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    Advertising : 162 words
  6. In 'The Age' Today

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    Detailed lists, results, guides : 43 words

    President Truman may owe his life to the fact that two fanatical Puerto Rican Nationalists who planned to shoot him down timed their attack badly, according to secret service agents. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,133 words
  8. Two Dead, Three Wounded WASHINGTON.

    In the attempted assassination of President Truman one of the two attackers was killed and the other ...

    Article : 53 words
  9. "The Age" Team For The Tests

    Percy Beames, W. J. O'Reilly and Sam Wells will provide readers of "The Age" with a comprehensive cover of the English team's tour of Australia. Commencing today with the match against Victoria, and continuing during the Test series, ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 194 words
  10. King Sends Message

    His Majesty the King today sent the following message to President Truman: "I am indeed glad to hear ...

    Article : 53 words
  11. President of National Party Surrenders

    Puerto Rico police drove the Nationalist party president, Pedro Albizo Campos (two of whose followers ...

    Article : 323 words
  12. Messages of Congratulation to Mr. Truman

    The British Prime Minister (Mr. Attlee) sent the following message last night to President Truman:-- ...

    Article : 91 words
  13. "Throw Yankees Out of Asia"

    MOSCOW, NOV. 2 (A.A.P.). The "Pravda" correspondent reported from Pekin that millions of Chinese are ...

    Article : 67 words

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    Detailed lists, results, guides : 178 words
  15. Manoeuvres in Port Phillip

    RATINGS AND ROOKIES from H.M.A.S. Australia and H.M.A.S. Labuan made this realistic picture as they rushed ashore at Portarlington yesterday during Naval exercises in Port Phillip Bay. H.M.A.S. Labuan covered the landing from behind a smoke screen. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 41 words
  16. Bernard Shaw Dies Peacefully at 94

    LONDON, Nov. 2 (A.A.P.-Reuters).--After being in a coma for 26 hours, George Bernard Shaw--distinguished playwright and philosopher--died peacefully at 4.59 a.m. (3.59 p.m. E.S.T.) today, aged 94. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 615 words
  17. Advertising

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    Advertising : 79 words
  18. Advertising

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    Advertising : 13 words