DO you possess a hair brush? Or do you consider it a relic of the "good old days"? Nearly every dressing table has a fancy-backed brush, prominently displayed, but usually it is an adornment ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 716 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,457 wordsHAVING devoted most of her vacations for the past two years to aviation, Miss Molphy who is a teacher ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 68 wordsThe Graceville Methodist Church has been chosen for the wedding of Miss Irene Smyth (eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. ...
Article : 851 wordseldest daughter of Mr. T. H. J. Davies, of Toowoomba,. Her engagement to Mr. Augustus Frederick Spry, of Hendra, has been ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 54 wordsMRS. C. M. McCarthy, who will leave on Friday on a trip to New Zealand, was the guest of honour at a farewell party given by Mrs. S. J. ...
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The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), Wed 13 Jan 1937, Page 19
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