British filmdom's most distinguished partners in light entertainment, Frank Launder and Sidney Gilliat, and her sole remaining impresario in the grand manner, Sir ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 987 wordsThe last half of the 18th century saw a transformation of the English countryside. The old open-field system described in last week's school section gave place to the modern rural scene of compact farms and enclosed fields. This change was necessary to ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,298 wordsDymphna Cusack has become the most prolific Australian woman novelist of the postwar period. Her "Southern Steel" (Constable; English price 126) may perhaps bring to something like completion a trend in her work which one must applaud. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 887 wordsWhen H. G. Wells first achieved fame as a writer of scientific romances he was naturally compared with Jules Verne. When he later turned to novels based on the lives of simple-minded people he was considered as another Dickens. But Wells was in one respect ...
Article : 718 wordsMr. Leslie Rees has probably read more bad plays than anybody else in Australia. He is Federal Drama Editor to the A.B.C., chairman of the Playwrights' Advisory Board, and author of "Towards an Australian Drama" (Angus and Robertson. 18). ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 796 words"THE LIGHT AND THE SHADOWS." By Russell Warren Howe (Seeker and Warburg, 16). Fourteen short stories by a ...
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The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), Sat 13 Jun 1953, Page 13
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