Dust plentiful. More rain Wanted. Election day, 28th inst Tramway well under way. ...
Article : 570 words"GOSSOON."—Let them poor their tales of love and friendship (?) into your left ear and permit them to run out of the right. "BARRACKER"—It is all right. They are ...
Article : 295 wordsThere are still only two likely starters for this event, namely. Postman and Liberal. There is dark horse supposed to be rusticating somewhere, but be most come out of ...
Article : 773 wordsThe Liberal and Protectionist candidate (Cr Salmon) held a large and enthusiastic meeting of electors at the Lord Raglan Hotel, on Monday ...
Article : 2,132 wordsOn Thursday night, in the Town Hall, Mr. Derham addressed a crowded audience, the Mayor presiding. Mr. Derham who was well received, ...
Article : 1,974 words[To ensure insertion, all reports of Saturday afternoon matches most be handed in not later than the following Wednesday morning. Secretaries of clubs are informed ...
Article : 350 wordsAt about 12.30 this morning a fire broke out at the Wesleyan Sunday School, corner of Nott and Graham streets. The local and other brigades ...
Article : 50 wordsA deputation consisting of the Hon F. T. Derham, the Mayor, and Crs Edwards and Plummer waited upon the Minister of Lands on Tuesday last ...
Article : 115 wordsThere passed away, "to that bourne whence no traveller returns," on Wednesday morning, one of the oldest of our identities in the person of Mr ...
Article : 455 wordsThe ordinary meeting of the Druids Lodge was held in the lodge-room Fountain Inn, on Monday evening, Bro. M'Phee, A D., presiding, and ...
Article : 203 wordsThe Sandridge Branch, No. 28, of the Australian Natives' Association held its usual fortnightly meeting at the Fountain Inn on Wednesday night, ...
Article : 187 words{No abstract available}
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Standard (Port Melbourne, Vic. : 1884 - 1914), Sat 16 Mar 1889, Page 3
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