A serious riot occurred to-day at the railway works, Big Hill, with the men on strike. They smashed several trucks, and, I have heard, did further damage last night. Ten mounted and ...
Article : 146 wordsShortly after the vote was passed for providing a sufficient sum of money for prosecuting a search for coal in this district, a deputation waited on the Chief Secretary to ascertain ...
Article : 272 wordsSir,—Allow me a space in your columns to remove the impression that must have been formed from the paragraph of the Geelong correspondent as appears this day in your journal. The two ...
Article : 556 wordsA meeting of the inhabitants of the Brighton district, called by Captain Mair, at the request of nearly 1[?] persons, took place at the Devonshire Hotel on Saturday evening last, at half-past ...
Article : 476 wordsSir,—" Fred. Geo. Hull;" poundkeeper, Carisbrook, has written along letter, which appeared in your lost weekly issue, complaining of the injustice done to his fraternity by the evidence of ...
Article : 626 wordsSir,—Will you permit a few words in acknowledgement of the communication of your correspondent "A. Z." My former letter referred to an article of yours, and not to anything ...
Article : 550 wordsA document which we published on Saturday last will serve to throw some useful light on the mysteries of tho Government contract for the importation ...
Article : 7,144 wordsJuly 20th.—Snow has now [?]ain on the ground at an average of six inches since Sunday last. The temperature has been very low, some nights down to 8 degrees. This morning, a cold cutting wind ...
Article : 1,788 wordsWe are in receipt of the Moniteur Imperialup. to the 15th July, and from the file of that paper we make the following extracts:- The Commonder-in-Chief, Governor ad ...
Article : 713 wordsWilliam Wherrcy was brought up at Castlemaine Circuit Court on Thursday, charged with stealing 31oz. 15dwt. 12gr. of gold on the 31st of July from his co-partners at Maldon. He ...
Article : 1,051 wordsYesterday morning the district coroner, Dr. Roche, summoned a jury at the Bendigo Hotel, for the purpose of inquiring into the circumstances touching the death of Mrs. M'Donald, ...
Article : 1,734 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Mon 6 Aug 1860, Page 5
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