Sir,—One of the lost things I had to do, before leaving England on my return to the colony, was to superintend the shipment of a collection of birds purchased with a portion of ...
Article : 3,602 wordsAn inquest was held to-day, at the Plough Inn, Queenscliff road, on the body of John M'Crae, a child aged seven years, who was alleged to have died from the effects of a piece of caustic having ...
Article : 1,875 wordsA special meeting of the shareholders of this company was held yesterday, at the offices 4 Bank-place. Mr. EDWARD COHEN, who was voted to the ...
Article : 2,466 wordsNot the least interesting item of the Behar's mail is the news of the occupation of Pekin by the allied foroes of England and France. According to ...
Article : 5,534 wordsThe Maryborough and United Eleven match terminated this day, at 4 o'clock. The eleven won in one innings, and had 67 runs to spare. The Maryborough eighteen mado 60 in the first ...
Article : 1,419 wordsThe following announcements appeared in the Gazette of yesterday:- APPOINTMENTS. Allen Fitch, Esq., and Francis Kersley, Esq., ...
Article : 576 wordsThe first sale of "special lands" under the new act was held yesterday, at the rooms of Mr. William Berry. The attendance Was small, and the biddings dull. Of 33 lots offered, 13 only ...
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wed 19 Dec 1860, Page 5
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