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  1. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 620 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 941 words

    LAUNCESTON, Sunday.—The opening of the yachting season in Launceston was marked by “visitors’ day” at the Tamar Club’s boathouse., Beautiful ...

    Article : 85 words
  4. Hands Off’ Freedom of Press

    Sir.—The community (I mean the Iaw-abiding se: tioni are indebted to you for the excellent reports of proceedings respecting recent events in ...

    Article : 166 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 57 words
  6. Hard Hitting

    Ex-Senator John Barnes, Victorian Tabor candidate for the Senate, recently said the electors should examine the performances of the three ...

    Article : 397 words
  7. Rift in the Lute

    At a meeting of the Burnie branch of the Primary Producers’ Association of Tasmania, held at the, Town Hall recently, Mr- W. C. Atkinson, a ...

    Article : 170 words
  8. The £25,000 Cheque

    Speaking at Shepparton (Vie) last Thursday night, Mr. Merrett. Liberai candidate for the Senate, in referring to the gift of £25,000 to Mr. Hughes, ...

    Article : 146 words
  9. War on Warmongers

    The main feature of a speech by Mr. W. G. Ma bony (Labor candidate for Dalley. N.S.W), at Palania, was a slashing attack on the action of ...

    Article : 390 words

    Everybody who knows his Australia not necessarily the Australia of big cities, crowded beaches, picture theatres, sporting grounds, and ...

    Article : 659 words
  11. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 2 words
  12. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 657 words