SIR: By what I gather from the general tenor of your paper and the remarks of numerous correspondents, I fear the determination has been come to that potatoes (the so-called English ...
Article : 474 wordsSis: Could you inform me of a remedy for Asure teats, a complaint from which my cows suffer a great deal? Consequently they are irritable and often kick during the time of ...
Article : 124 wordsSIR: Will you or any of your numerous correspondents kindly inform me what is the proper treatment to pursue with sheep affected with the bottle disease? ...
Article : 121 wordsSIR: Well may those at a distance, who take an interest in our affairs, look upon our proceedings as very selfish or very stupid, and express surprise that we, having had the ...
Article : 1,376 wordsSIR: I have always been under the impression that an advertised notice to fence was sufficient for all purposes, and that after the notice had been duly advertised if the adjoining land owners ...
Article : 414 wordsCæteris paribus, as the philosophers say, that country is most wealthy which is least dependent upon its neighbors for its supply of the necessaries of life. Our ...
Article : 4,855 wordsMR. GOLDWIN SMITH writes as follows to the Manchester Examiner and Times:— "It is desirable that we should draw the right moral from the remarkable events of our time, ...
Article : 1,582 wordsTHE evidence at an inquest held on March 24, before Mr. Payne, the city coroner, on a, child found dead, disclosed the particulars of an extraordinary discovery of human remains in ...
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The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Sat 30 May 1868, Page 11
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