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  2. Good Kicking and Marking are Essential to Every Class Footballer

    Watch any footballer who cannot mark [?] kick well and yet will come to the [?] that he is under a [?] ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,277 words
  3. How Tom M’Cormack, Jockey and the Two-year-old Cadorus “Made Good”

    There is a story attached to [?] and his Aspendale pilot Team M’Cormack How Cadorus was a champion [?] and how ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 398 words
  4. Top-of-the-Table Play is Productive of Many Points in Billiards

    As one attains a certain degree of [?] in the manipulation of the one, ho should practise regularly and [?] ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,793 words
  5. No Title

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 1 words
  6. Should Distance of Juvenile Races be Increased Near End of Season?

    The small fields in two-year-later recently [?] that we are in that slake period of racing which [?] the rush to be [?] ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 471 words