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    At school, masters would [?] that the ideal [?] would be the man who could combine his spon [?] his work satisfactory. It is [?] ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 732 words
  2. The Young Brigade

    He has led tile team all this season. For Newman, he played mostly on the half-hack line in the central position. He was rather disappointed ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,622 words
  3. First Kick at Fourteen

    Fate seldom favours a club with a rural "star" footballer without giving the officials or persons interested in the welfare of the [?] little ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 827 words
  4. Metropolitan Amateur Association

    The Metropolitan Amateur Football Association was founded in 1892, was then known as the Metropolitan Junior Football Association. It ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 798 words
  5. Carnival Players

    While the Australian Football Carnival was in progress at Hobart, It was very Interesting and educational to observe the physique of the players ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 402 words
  6. Visits of Teams

    Of recent years League clubs have been giving trips to their teams when the fixtures will permit of it. Sydney is a very popular place for our ...

    Article : 197 words