one of the features of the year now drawing to a close has been the successful forecasting of “Ascot,” the Globe’s chief ...
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Advertising : 1 wordsThe form horses in the Eclipse Stakes, the last of the rich handicaps of the Spring, are Catalogue, Maikai,Buzalong and Landlaw. My fancy is Buzalong, because ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 899 wordsRACING enthusiasts who believe that Victoria possesses the fastest sprinter in the Commonwealth—either Ajax or Manrico —will be interested to learn that a Sydney sportsman claims the honor for Vergure, an Irish bred stallion, who has won ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 7 wordsTHE Eclipse Stakes, to be decided at the Heath next Saturday, affords one more opportunity for several Cup candidate? who from one cause or another have not yet recompensed their owners by annexing any one of the very valuable stakes during ...
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Sporting Globe (Melbourne, Vic. : 1922 - 1954), Wed 22 Nov 1939, Page 1
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