The initial meeting of the agricultural conference, under the auspices of the Queensland National Association,, was held in the association's rooms, Elizabeth street, on August 21. ...
Article : 5,871 wordsThe following lands will be open to selection at the respective land offices on and after Monday, the 7th October next:—AGRICULTURAL FARMS. ...
Article : 185 wordsThe annual stud sheep sales were continued yesterday when flocks of sheep belonging to Tasmanian owners was submitted. Low prices again ruled, the following being the chief figures: ...
Article : 249 wordsDIFFERENCES IN DRAUGHT.—It is said that if one horse can draw a certain load over a level road on iron rails it will take one and twothirds horse to draw the same load on asphalt, ...
Article : 376 words{No abstract available}
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The Week (Brisbane, Qld. : 1876 - 1934), Sat 31 Aug 1889, Page 6
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