Horstrilyer's feerly knocked us, feerly beat us at the gime; 'Tain't the lawgest size in victory, but it's victory all the gime, ...
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Advertising : 39 wordsThe difficulty in regard to passing bicycles through the South Australian Customs department has been reported upon by the Victorian league's touring committee, who, acting on the advice of ...
Article : 1,116 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 55 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 107 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 563 wordsLast Saturday was anything but a bowlers' day, and most of the rinks were under water, so that the arrangements made for opening several greens were abandoned. The usual formalities in ...
Article : 213 wordsBowlers who have visited the pretty grounds of the Kyneton club will be pleased to learn that the local club promises to have a most successful season. At the annual meeting there was a full ...
Article : 190 wordsThe Warrnambool Bowling Club held their annual meeting in the local town hall, and there was a large attendance of members. Mr. R. Geilhofer presented a highly satisfactory report of the club's ...
Article : 153 wordsThe Port Fairy club held their annual meeting on the 2nd inst. The president, Mr. W. T. Hattam, occupied the chair. The report and balance sheet showed the club to be in a prosperous ...
Article : 200 wordsAlderman Young, in responding to the toast of The Visitors, after a match played at Chichester, in England, made a very happy speech. Our Sydney friend remarked that it was pleasant to come ...
Article : 598 wordsThe season's pennant matches in the senior division were completed last week, when the deciding match between Carlton and Camberwell, in the second class, was played off on the University ...
Article : 1,039 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 212 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 67 wordsOn Monday the first round for the Ladies' Championship of Victoria was played, the winners being:-Miss Anderson (w.o.), Mrs. Lindon, Miss Greene, Mrs. Bird, Mrs. C. Fairbairn, Miss ...
Article : 429 wordsThe growling popularity of the game of golf was made very evident by the attendance and the speeches at the dinner given at the Grand Hotel by the Royal ...
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Advertising : 47 wordsAfter having followed the fortunes of the tenth Australian team in England with daily increasing interest from the opening match at the Crystal Palace to the final contest at ...
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Leader (Melbourne, Vic. : 1862 - 1918, 1935), Sat 7 Oct 1899, Page 17
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