Short work has been made of the Estimates, only the vote for charitable institutions and a postponed vote now remaining for discussion. This was managed rather adroitly ...
Article : 1,983 wordsThe polling yesterday turned out to be [?]quite a lively little affair, a considerable amount of energy being shown by the candidates and their friends in canvassing for votes. ...
Article : 398 wordsOn Friday and Saturday last, the weather here was exceedingly cold, and old residents stated that they had never before felt the cold so severe. We had a slight shower of ...
Article : 587 wordsThe usual excitement caused by the electioneering mania is now almost forgotten for another year. Our local artist has again been at work in our midst, ...
Article : 430 wordsThe terrible weather that prevailed during the latter part of last week caused some alarm to be felt for the safety of the steamers Western and Rob Roy. The former did not ...
Article : 399 wordsThe state of the weather has now become a subject worn threadbare, by reason of its being always a general complaint of rain from all quarters, and no appearance of it clearing ...
Article : 1,060 wordsOn Friday, very heavy storms of rain and bail fell here, and continued most of the following day, on the night of which the Wannon again overflowed its banks, and the ...
Article : 297 wordsThe following account of a trip to Fiji has been placed at our disposal:— "Suva, Viti Leva, Fiji, 30th June, 1872. "We had a long passage of five weeks, ...
Article : 960 wordsAt the usual monthly meeting of the above Council, held at Harrow on Wednesday last, there were present the President, and Crs. Broughton, Edgar, Smith, and W. G. Laidlaw. ...
Article : 605 wordsSIR,—I observe that Mr. Hinneberg has published a notice in the Spectator, contradicting a statement made by me at the late election, at Penshurst, that he had informed me that he was offered £30 by Mr. ...
Article : 158 wordsSIR,—Looking over your reporter the last Hamilton Land Board, I was greatly amused to see that an allotment of my purchased land was "recommended" to Archibald Malcolm. The allotment ...
Article : 133 wordsSIR,—An argument has lately been carried on between a few individuals relative to Submarine Telegraphic Cables, the writer maintaining that, they are laid, and do rest, on the bottom or bed of ...
Article : 349 wordsSIR,—Allow me to correct a mis-statement which appears in your paper of Saturday last. Quoting from the Mount Gambier Standard, you say that The Portland Railway Deputation informed the ...
Article : 292 wordsSIR,—I see that the price of the 4-lb. loaf in Melbourne has fallen from 8d to 7d, and would like to know why the Hamilton bakers continue to charge 9d. Flour I observe, according to the latest ...
Article : 161 wordsThe following verses by Lord Neaves, one of the judges of the Scotch Court of Session, will be read with interest at the present time:— ...
Article : 399 words{No abstract available}
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Hamilton Spectator (Vic. : 1870 - 1918), Wed 14 Aug 1872, Page 3
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